Croatia Airlines received Conventa Hall of Fame award for 2022
By knowing the market and the value that the conference industry brings, a leading regional airline continued supporting, maintained its partnership with, and helped Conventa to maintain its position as a leading fair in the region
25th August 2022, Ljubljana – At the 2022 Conventa Hall of Fame awards ceremony held yesterday in Ljubljana, where the Conventa fair presents awards to individuals or organisations that have left their mark, and contributed to the development of the region’s conference industry and Conventa with their invaluable efforts, representatives of Croatia Airlines, Croatia’s flag carrier and a member of Star Alliance, were proud to receive the Conventa Hall of Fame Award for 2022.
Jasmin Bajić, CEO and President of the Management Board of Croatia Airlines, highlighted the following while accepting the award:
– Croatia Airlines is Conventa’s long-standing partner. Together with the organisers of Conventa, we’ve had some good times and some not so good times. Yet, we’ve always been aware of the importance of conference industry for all the stakeholders involved, as well as for society at large. Development is not possible without continued improvement, nor is progress without new achievements, and fairs, such as Conventa, are places where knowledge and experience are selflessly shared, and where new ideas and solutions are found. The Covid-19 crisis left its mark on each and every market participant, on each and every legal and natural person. Aware of the fact that standstills are lethal to the conference industry, just like to civil aviation, Croatia Airlines stood by Conventa even through hard times, and helped Conventa to maintain its position as a leading fair in the region. I’m happy that we had the opportunity to not only partake in creating this beautiful story, but also ensure that it continues. It is with great pride that I accept the 2022 Conventa Hall of Fame award on behalf of all of Croatia Airlines’ employees. Let’s continue treading the same path forward.